Friday, August 1, 2008

Terrorism, who is scared? Govt or common people

Dear countrymen,
The serial bombing in many parts of India including Gujrat has rocked the entire nation. It has sent a very clear cut message to this nation ,that the terrorists are determined to destroy this country. It has shooked every one except the law makers. Like after every terrorist attck, the leaders of our country fulfilled the formalities by visiting sites , consoling the kiths of victims and visiting hospitals with camera crew and media persons to show that they really bother for them. But, when it comes to the question of acting and coming heavily down the terrorists, they do not go beyond deploring these attacks. This time also, there was a lot of hue and cry for such attack and even media wanted some harsh steps against the terrorists. The demands were raised to enact some tougher laws so that the terrorists can be brought to book and punished. This demand also meet the same fate. The politicians again seemed more concerned for their vote bank rather than the nation. It is very applaudable that in such situation, the common people kept utmost patience and the communal situation could not be disturbed. The life is limping back to normal. The common men have fight back and they have shown the kind of courage which is always lacking in the leaders.
The question is that who is scared? a common man or the law maker. Upto when and Upto which extent these politicians want this country to suffer?
Om Prakash Yadav

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