Friday, September 11, 2009

Global Mental Health Summit held in Athens


The first ever summit on Mental Health was convened in Athens, the capital of Greece on 2-6th September, 2009. This Global Mental Health Summit (GMH) was hosted as a part of world federation for mental health biennial congress. It was the first global initiative in this regard to focus attention on the growing problem of metal disorders and mental depressions. This summit was supported by global organisations like Lancet, The welcome trust and World’s initiative on psychiatry etc.  The theme of this conglomeration was ‘working together for Mental Health’. The theme itself signifies the importance of this congress which is the first global concerted and serious effort in this regard. The participants deliberated upon among other things issues like scaling up mental health in low income countries, human rights and metal disorders (how human right violations take place of the mentally disordered patients, chaining, whipping etc are frequently reported in media in India and other countries also.) and strategies for future.
With the changing pace of time in terms of economic, social, political and ethical metamorphosis, the stress on mind, cutting across the social stratum, is now a global phenomenon. Its impact is devastating both in terms of mental agony and social disorder. The impact may not be as perceptible and discernible as any other pandemics like H1N1 etc, but its long term impact on social and psychological tapestry is more deleterious than any other disease. It is perhaps due to this fact, the mental health disorder or mental depressions are termed as silent and mute pandemic.
According to one rough estimate, because there is no census on this issue in India, there are roughly 40 million people suffer from mental depressions. Number of mental illness, which is an advance stage of mental disorder, is about 30 to 35 lakhs in India. According to National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), by 2010 this disease will be largest and shall overtake cardiovascular disease in this country. The global figure of metal depression persons is around 120 million, and this number is increasing by leaps and bounds. Many psychiatrics are of the opinion that the ongoing Global Financial Crisis (GFC) has only added to the agony. The uncertain future, job cuts, rising inflation and soaring unemployment have inflamed the situation. There is however no such survey or specific scientific study conducted on this issue, the recession has inflated depression and there is no doubt about it.
Under the prevailing circumstances, this summit is being attached immense significance both in India and abroad.  In India the availability of psychiatrics and psychiatric nurse is dismal. There is only 0.05 Psychiatric per one lakh patients in India whereas the trained nurses for this job are 0.16 per one lakh only.
Hopefully this World Summit would spread awareness and will make people acquainted with the horrifying scenario of this silent but deadly pandemic.  Although we have enacted legislation in 1987 itself, which is known as Mental Health Act, 1987, this law requires amendment because either most of the provisions have become obsolete or they are not in commensurate with the changing pace of problem. A comprehensive bill with respect to this disease or disorder, whatever one calls it, is lying pending; it therefore be discussed and with necessary changes be passed as soon as possible.         

Monday, September 7, 2009

Genes for Alzheimer discovered

Team of British and French scientists have discovered three more genes which are associated with a disease called Alzheimer. As it is known that Alzheimer is disease related to brain in which there is loss of memory in human beings, according to web dictionary it is ‘A progressive form of pre-senile dementia that is similar to senile dementia except that it usually starts in the 40s or 50s; first symptoms are impaired memory which is followed by impaired thought and speech and finally complete helplessness’.
At present the only gene known to the scientists which is linked with Alzheimer disease is APOE4, which according to them causes only 10% of the case (Alzheimer). APOE4, discovered in 1993, was the only focus of scientific research and perhaps due to this fact, no big headway could be made over the last decade and half. The prestigious science journal ‘nature genetics’ has also published a detailed report of discoveries made by different teams comprised of scientists like Prof Kelvin Morgan from University of Nottingham, Julie Williams of Cardiff University in Wales, Philippe Amouyel of University of Lille in France, Allan Rose of Duke university etc.  According to reports, British scientists discovered two genes and named them CLU (Clusterin) and PICALM.  Clusterin gene is protective in nature and protects the brain from Amyloid proteins which causes inflammations in brains. The scientists are of the opinion that these genes after mutation become annihilative and cause inflammation in the brain which later develop into Alzheimer.  Prof Julie Williams who led the research team in Britain said that it is the path breaking discovery and will led to development of treatment of Alzheimer, the disease so far almost incurable.
French scientists team also experimented on 14000 DNA samples on the basis of the data shared with them by the British scientists who discovered the two other genes as described and found another gene called CR1. Thus as on now, there are four genes discovered which cause Alzheimer disease.  It is said that these discoveries will enable scientists to work in a more specific direction in the field of invention of drug for the treatment of Alzheimer disease which is increasing at an alarming pace. According to one estimate there are about 26 millions Alzheimer patients in the world and it would quadruple over the next four decades. In India alone, there are approximately 2, 50,000 Alzheimer’s patients and the number are increasing day by day. The saddest part of the disease is that the man develops this symptom in the later phase of life when he is in dire need of social security cover. This state of dementia leaves the patient in such a situation when he forgets everything and life becomes horrible. In the developing and developed economy which has created a society where no one including own children have the patience and time to take care of their parents or grandparents, this disease is proving a curse for them. So many famous persons and celebrities have become victims of this disease and important among them are Ronal Reagan, Atal Bihari Bajpai, George Fernandes etc.  Hopefully these discoveries would bring for them a hope of blessings. Truly said, science is both a blessing and curse depends how you utilise it.                

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