Friday, March 20, 2009



Obama's videotaped message to Iran in particular and arab world in general subtitled with arabi telecasted on some channels an you tube is a milestone in the foreign policy arena of the USA. The message on the 'navroj', beginning of spring month for muslim world for Iranians is being attached immense significane by a host of foreign policy strategists and think tanks across the world.Obama said that US wants a new beginning of relations with Iran. He emphasised that Iran is entitled to a rightful place in world order, but it can not be achieved through guns, he added.

Obama's speech may and should hopefully end thirty years old Iranian-American hostilities, which has begun with the hostage crisis almost thirty years ago in Iran which lasted for more than 444 days. The broken diplomatic relation between the two nations has already done immense damage to the world community. This isolation must be put to a ceremonious end.

Outlining the changing geo-political and balance of power situation, Obama said in an emotional blended with diplomatic tune, that Iran must be given its due say and a place in the International world order. He worded the importance with a caution that,Iran deserves such place but it can't be achieved through use of nuclear weapons and WMD. Obama, reiterating the commitment of the US administration towards disarmament, said that such weapons find no place in the present world. Obama touched the sensitive nerves of Iran by saying that Iran has a rich cultural heritage and Iranian people are great. With the repository of knowledge and rich culture, Obama said, Iran can contribute in a significant way to the world order.

As expected, the world community including the west has responded very enthusiatically to this what is being dubbed, change in American policy towards Iran. Iranian President Ahmadi Nejad has reacted positively too, but he said that the words of America should be translated into actions and deeds. In a televised message, Nijad said that he does not see change in US stance on Iran. This does however not mean that Iran has refused the gesture of Obama flately. It is a diplomatic move and hatred of such magnitude embedded in American and Iranian society can not be eradicated in one single stroke. America has a long way to go before it reaches to the destination. It has to show the political sagacity to accept that the world has changed so it should also change its perceptions with respect to all the members of the world community. American perception about democracy and liberty needs morphosis. The American type democracy can not be exported to everywhere in the world. It has failed in Afghanistan and Iraqe also. World is a plural society with a plethora of culture and thoughts. How can one claim supreority over others?

I had urged Obama on dated 14 March (refer my article titled ' Obama; make a new global economic and social order'), to strive for reconciliation rather than hostilities. The entire world is watching this new incarnation, the Obama, and is perhaps the last hope of the world to end all around hostilities and hatred.

The era of hatred and mistrust must be removed and removed for ever. The grotesque legacy of Bush and his predecessors are the huge diplomatic liabilities on Obama which he has to bear and write off sucessfully. The world economic meltdown is in a way also generated by USA and exported to the whole world.The world had to face a number of useless but devastating wars. In order to impose and super impose American type democracy, Bush and his father tattered the social and economic fabric of the globe and it will take years and years to stich them well and restore the pristinity. Bush and his father's hatred had been heard time and again in the words like ' axis of evil empire' and ' rogue states' etc. These adjectives smacked and smelt hatred blended with racial discrimination. This must end. US has to learn the art of paying respect to others, if it really wants to be respected by all. You can buy wars, win victories but no money can buy peace, this is the ethos of our Indian culture and religion. Americans must learn art of living. Excessive and bottomless greed has thrown us in a bottomless pit of miseries. Obama has rightly asserted and exerted that govt must perform and act. Reagan said that govt must not act in the business becasue he said, if govt acts it brings perils. Such notion and such economic theories have faild miserably. It is not socialism or communism in making as many people claim, it is the constructive and socialistic capitalism. Human beings are the pivote of all economic theories and no economy can thrive and survive killing millions of people by putting them in poverty.

Any way, Obama has made the grand beginning in this regard. It must be carried forward. All nations,all diplomats and politicians and above all all members of civil society must respond and reciprocate to this call enthusiastically. Let a helping hand be extended to make the world a better place to live in. God has created it to make love, to live and let other live.

The theory of clash of civilisations propounded by Samuel Hustington is proving wrong, it should be proved wrong

Sunday, March 15, 2009



Pakistani establishment tasted people's power twice in recent times. First during the Parvez Musharaff's regime and second in the present Zardari's period. Incedently in both the cases deposed Chief Justice Itkhar chaudhari was the central issue.
When Parvez Musharaff dismissed Justice Chaudhari, the entire legal fraternity rose in defiance. The lawyers started the movement for restoration of what they called, judicial independence. This movement gradually gained in momentum with the confluence of urban middle class. Naturally, when mobs gather, leaders assemble. Nawaz and Benzir joined the movement and gradually this entire movement metamorphosed into an allout and full fledged war against Parvez Musharaff. The situation in Pakistan, then, started deteriorating and taking advantage of the chaotic political and administrative sitution prevailing, USA also exerted immense pressure on Musharaff under which he succumbed. The military dictatorship in Pakistan again came to a bloodless end.

Taking cue of the movement, both Benzir and Nawaz rode the people's movement. Elections were announced, but unfortunately Benzir was shot dead allegedly by the terrorists. Elections were held and none of the political parties secured absolute majority in the National assembly.

Any way the first priority among all the waring factions in Pakistan that time was restoration of democracy by formation of government therefore both Zardari, the widower of Bhutto,and Nawaz reached on a truce and zardari formed the govt.

Zardari, essentially a businessman, tainted with serious corruption charges, wanted to keep maximum powers with him. Althouth Gilani, comparatively a less known face and clean image political figure, was made the PM, Zardari retained the reigns of power. He did not do away with the provisions in the constitution (article 52B) which empowers President to dissolve the Parliament. He committed the same mistakes. He took Pakistani people, especially middle class, for granted. He committed blunder again and did not reinstate deposed CJ of SC.

Nawaz, in the mean time was gradually going into oblivion. He was in quest of an oppotunity to come back in the mainstream. He got this god sent opportunity when the SC in a verdict disqualified Nawaz and his brother, the CM of Punjab from holding any public elected office. Zardari, a naive politician hurridly removed Shahbaz from CM ship of Punjab and imposed governor's rule. This political immature and miscalculated step of Zardari costed him dearly.

Now the situation was ripe for Nawaz to launch an all out war against the establishement. 'Long March to Islamabad' this slogan was given by Nawaz which mustered unprecedented support from the lawyers and middle class.The muzzled media in Pakistan too came in sharp against the government.The Long March gradually became the anti-government protest rally in which hundreds of thousands of civilians, human right activists, lawyers, students and above all political workers started joining. Zardari left Musharaff behind so far as mechanism to tackle this problem is concerned. Kayani met PM Gilani and speculations in domestic as well as international media that Zarari is going to be ousted by a Military coup. One minister resigned so did a host of police officers. It was an unprecedented situation. The clash was imminent. USA, thank god could learn the mood of common pakistani, and exerted Zardari to yeild. Like a good mama's boy, Zardari accepted the demand of restoration of Justice Chaudhari.

Although, till now the main issue of restoration of Judiciary had been hijacked, the sudden retreat of government on the main issue left Nawaz with no option but to call off the stir.

This episode of a high voltage dramma has again showed that the people can and only common people can change the fate of Pakistan. What we need is this type of movement against terrorism and militancy. No establishment whatsoever is more powerful than the voice of common man, what a power it posses!

WHO FIGHTING FOR ITS EXISTENCE: WILL IT TRIGGER NEW ERA OF CONFLICT? Politics and lust for power are not endemic of India only...