Friday, May 29, 2020


Politics and lust for power are not endemic of India only. They are pandemics like COVID. The WHO, which came into existence on 7th April 1948 amidst the second World War, now has to fight for its own existence.The Americans are broadly divided into two halves. One group opines that WHO and China are, to great extent, responsible for the large scale deaths and widespread infections of covid whereas; other group feels that Trump administration failed considerably to cope up with the pandemic threats in early period and has not handled the situation, the manner it should have been done. The ensuing presidential election in America has perturbed Trump to an unprecedented scale and in desperate attempt to shift the focus, he has threatened to cut the funding and quitting the membership of WHO as well.
India is not an exception. The politicians have started the dirty blame game and amidst the woes of countless migrant workers , the nasty war of politics goes unabated. The media is doing its job of complying with their boss's command. The vertical split of media has left the citizenry at a loss. Either you would hear that everything what a particular government is doing is absolutely" right" or you would watch anchor spitting venom against it.
The seemingly unending exodus of migrant workers towards BIMARU states, reminds us the severity of pains which our forefathers had experienced during partition of the nation in 1947. Nothing seems changed except the color of the photographs. In 1947, it was black and white while now it is colored. The untold pains of suffering of laborers has shattered all the tall claims that we have been making over a decade or so. The three trillion economy for these people is just a mockery.
Cutting across all the prejudices, the opinion is gaining ground that an independent inquiry should be conducted into the whole gamut of issues relating to Wuhan laboratory and its role in leakage of this demon into the world. Chinese have been very closed as far as sharing its information to the world community is concerned. One thing is sure that this virus has originated from China (PRC) which is taking heavy toll of lives across the globe, therefore an independent but fair inquiry must be conducted.
The question arises that whether WHO which is itself fighting for its existence and now getting billions of dollars from China, would be bold enough to order for the same?

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WHO FIGHTING FOR ITS EXISTENCE: WILL IT TRIGGER NEW ERA OF CONFLICT? Politics and lust for power are not endemic of India only...