Bihar is going to have two more new Railways Divisional Manager offices now. The Minister for Railways Lalu pd had proposed creation of Thawe ( gopalganj) and Bhagalpur divisional railway offices in the 2009-10 rail budget. Since this Budget has been passed by the Parliament, it paved the way of creation of the same.
Lalu pd today laid the foundation stones of these two newly created DRM offices in Thawe and Bhagalpur respectively.
With these two DRM offices coming to existence, the total number of DRM offices in Bihar has gone up to five(5). Besides these two, there are three DRM offices located at Danapur (Patna), Sonepur (Chhapra) and Samastipur respectively. All these two Divisional offices would be placed under North-Eastern Railway(NER) Zonal office, at Gorakhpur and Northern railway Howrah.
The creation of these two offices would increase the employment opportunities in this state and also add more revenues to the state's coffer. The actual construction work of these offices are likely to start only when the new govt takes office at the centre. Lalu pd has started constrution work in Bihar on a massive scale. One road-cum-rail bridge is being constructed at Digha in Patna and other is being built in Munger. One electric engine work shop is being constructed in Madhepura, whereas; wheel factory is likely begin in Chhapra. Besides this many railway stations have been updraded and modernised. Patna railway station has already been given face lift and sereral others are being given new and modern look. Gone are the days when you look the colonial vestige image on the railway stations in India. According to the information available with the public domain, about 60,000 crores rupees would be spent on these on going and proposed schemes in this development starved state.