The first death due to swine flu in pune in which one girl Rida Sheikh died has created an unprecedented panic across nation with all newspapers and news channels are flooded with pictures, reports and articles. It seems that this disease is going to kill all in one stroke and no one will be alive. It reminds the sconce which was created when plague broke out in Surat city of Gujarat.
It is the first official death and till date there are 558 cases of H1N1 infections in India. Pune, the hub of educational activities is perhaps the worst affected because so far Maharashtra state has reported 147 cases of H1N1 cases across the state.
As far as the global scenario is concerned, according to WHO 1154 deaths due to this pandemic has so far been reported from 168 countries. Altogether 162,380 cases of infections have been reported across the world. The WHO states and to which majority of doctors also agrees that the death rate in swine flu is only 0.01%.
It appears that the whole nation is put on maximum alert and there is an unprecedented panic. The people in Pune have queued up for tests in the hospitals.
The cost of one such test goes some where near 10,000 Rs and a Swine Kit costs roughly 3000 to 4000 Rs per kit.
Oseltamivir or Zanamivir drug is administered in confirmed case of Swine flu.
Now the hysteria is in full throttle, the medicine companies which make drug and kit are in boom. It is a god sent opportunity for them. The sale of Kit has gone up several times the normal condition and many Medicine companies are all set to manufacture generic version of the drugs. In nut shell this disease hysteria and fear psychosis has come as a blessing in disguise. Does it not appear that there is some rat smells in this media hype? Is it not possible that perhaps market is being prepared and sell is being boomed by creating such panic across the world?
KALA-ZAR AND MALRIA; THE POOR MAN’S DISEASE- kala-zar is known as silent killer disease. It is also known as Black fever or dumdum fever. Kalazar was diagnosed in 1822 in Purnea district of Bihar for the first time. Till then more than it has spread into as many as dozens of districts in the state. About 2.5 Million cases are detected globally annually for Kalazar. In India alone, bo