Dr Man Mohan Singh said in New Delhi, while interacting with female journalists, that he is not as good orator as Advani is, but Advani is not fit for becoming PM of this Nation. Plethora of surveys coming on TV channels and print media are presenting pictoral graphs of popularities of Man Mohan and Advani. Well, a very few takes it seriously because most of them are conflicting to each other. Moreover, the type of questionnaire which are reported to have been asked from the people, themselves smack elements of biasness. For instance, how can one judge that Mr or Mrs X or Y or Z are the only candidates of a particular posts. In fact it is mockery of the entire serious issue involved in the democratic process.
Anyway the question is that who heads the nation. A man who has not even been elected by common people and voters? or a person who is running the election on his name. In fact when election process is over, the entire mandate and people's verdict is lost in political manoevering for getting the magic numbers in the Parliament. Ironically only those personalities play this nefarious game who never fights elections. What a mockery of the democracy.
Why do'nt we think interms of reshaping our democracy. Let the people directly elect the man who lead our nation. The back door entry in the house has vitiated the entire political mileu, therefore it should either be closed or contitution be amended that only a person can be nominated who has won loksabha atleast for one time.
We can also think interms of electing the Head executive directly, yes I mean by Presidential form of govt. Let the people elect their leader directly. He, after being elected can form his or her govt. You see the irony. Man Mohan Singh is very good economist, an honest politician, but unfortunately not a good statesman.Advani, on the other hand is very good orator, statesman and administrator but is stigmatised as non-secular. Is it not a fatal combination that both of them are in the same cabinet. It is possible only when the above mentioned system is adopted. You take the example of Bihar. Nitish is proving a good administrator but the type of political system which we have, he has to bow down before such elements which is not suited to governance. After all the government has to rest on the requisite numbers of MLAs.
Time has come that we should ponder seriously interms of reshaping our political system. Why do not we start a national debate on it, afterall democracy means people's choice which rests on popular will. We can held a plebecite on this issue also. I am sure that the nation will vote in favour of a change.